it's a weird position for me, since i wouldn't have this job if i hadn't been a fan of the show. but at the same time, i'm not gonna disclose the nuances of working for a celebrity chef. i could easily use this blog as a way to do so, and probably tap into a pretty large fan base as a result, but the way i see it, i fell into a tremendous amount of luck when we moved to chicago. and i'm no fool. that luck was invaluable, yes, but you don't earn a place in the world through luck. so when it comes to steph, that luck only fuels my motivation to work harder, and hopefully, in the end, be worthy of where i find myself. that's why i'd rather have to bust my balls a bit. i wanna get knocked down. to be candid, i'm struggling to find readers for the site, and you know what, i'm glad for that. there's no better means of motivation. and in the end, i won't appreciate anything that comes my way if i haven't had to really work hard to get it.
and it just goes to show though, steph is a free spirited, open-minded chef. she's so different from that stock stereotype of the maniacal, ego driven nazi chef that most people envision when it comes to the typical kitchen persona. she's smart enough to know her strengths, which rest largely in the success of her win on top chef and her loyal fan base, but also in her warm personality. opening the kitchen doors to a fan, and providing that fan a chance to work side by side with her for a night, it's something that i can relate to all too well.
and click here more info on how to get that chance to join us in the kitchen.

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