so just a few days after i've been pumped and excited and feeling just a wee bit more important in this big bad world of ours thanks to my exclusive preview of
gourmet magazine's new tv show with ruth reichl, i wake up to find that
said magazine has folded.

as the article says,
gourmet has been around longer than most of the people living on this earth. in the world of food, the thing was a pillar of resource and enlightenment. far worse could have hit the news this morning, but i am definitely unnerved by the story, given the prospects of my own career, which i've hoped to direct to the pages of publications like

all things considered, magazine publishing is a form of media that runs only a handful of generations deep. to say the future of publishing is in danger may be a drastic overstatement, but for sure, things are going to change, and i doubt print publishing will make it through unscathed when all is said and done.
Since we move every 6mo. I can never subscribe to any magazines, but I always love when I go to someone's house and they have Gourmet or any other foodie magazine on their coffee table. Now I fear its absence will be filled with yet another Cosmo-type magazine... I need less advice on "How To Make Him SWEAT!" ("sweat" should be in bold with a casual "handwritten" hot pink underline to emphasize the point) and more tips on marinating the perfect steak. It's like they don't know me at all.